
Supermarket sweep penalty
Supermarket sweep penalty

supermarket sweep penalty

The runner could bring their cart back to the team's register at any time, at which point it was exchanged for an empty cart. During the Big Sweep, the show's announcer provided the "play-by-play." The runner for that team was sent out into the market, with the other runners entering when their time had remained on the clock. The clock was set to the highest time that was earned by the three teams. The "Big Sweep" was the chance for the teams to run throughout the aisles and to grab whatever they could off of the supermarket shelves. The maximum time available is 4:30, while maximum time for a three-way tie is 2:30. After each question, the players on teams switched places with each other.

supermarket sweep penalty

The other version was where the teams were given five clues about a product and they must buzz-in to guess what it is. One was the Scrambled Letters game where the teams were shown a scrambled-up word of a brand name, common food, or item, and three clues were given one at a time. There were two version of the Round Robin game. There were six questions in all at 10 seconds a pop, so 60 seconds/one minute was available. The question round ended with a Round Robin game where all six players play. Round Robin " OK, players, come on back! It's time for the Round Robin Game!" ―Tino Monte

  • Mentioning several products and which one Monte is referring to (multiple choice).
  • Proverbs/Common Sayings - Facts about well-known expressions were given to the contestants, and the contestants were to guess by completing these popular expressions with items found or sold in the supermarket.
  • Household Hints - Mentioning several unusual ways that you can do according to the experts. The results aren't guaranteed, but common sense might tell the contestants which items the host is talking about.
  • Checkstand Headlines - Facts about a famous person or event that were read about in checkstand tabloids were given to the contestants, and the contestants were to guess what the fact referred to.
  • Hard Stupidity is the opposite of Soft Sense Lotion).
  • Opposites: Giving a word or phrase that's the opposite or almost/close to the opposite of the name of a product that you will find in a supermarket (e.g.
  • Telling about a product found in a supermarket.
  • Using clues to solve with products that you can find in a supermarket.
  • supermarket sweep penalty

    Filling in the blanks to reveal a product (backwards or random, or the starting and ending letters).


    The players in control were asked a series of questions and each correct answer added 10 more seconds of sweep time. The first half was played with the first set of players and the second half was played with the second set. There were two Mini-Sweeps per show and they began each half of the question round. On some episodes, if the question was a health food, a $75-dollar gift certificate from Naturally Yours Health Foods Limited was used. But, if the partner ran out of time to find the correct product, found the correct product with no sticker, or found the correct product when time is up, no bonus was awarded. If the partner can find it in 20 seconds or less, he/she won a cash bonus of $50 added to the team's sweep total. The first player to buzz-in with a correct answer scored 10 seconds and gave his/her partner a chance to go on what's called a "Mini-Sweep" The running player ran through the aisles of the market to find the specially-marked product that answers the first question. To start, host Monte reads a question with a rhyming couplet or a fact.

    supermarket sweep penalty

    Then the teams had a chance to add more time to their sweep times. To start, the three teams were given one minute (1:00). It was hosted by Tino Monte, the "host and games master extraordinaire," according to the opening, and Dave King was the announcer, who called for the items at the beginning of the show. Three teams of two contestants (usually siblings, a parent & child, best friends, or spouses) played a game of answering questions and supermarket shopping.


    Supermarket Sweep was a Canadian-English language adaptation of American Supermarket Sweep TV show format. " Have you ever dreamt of running through a supermarket, grabbing everything you want, and filling your basket 'til it overflows? Live that dream by playing along with today's contestants on Canada's hottest new game show, Supermarket Sweep! Grab a cup of your favorite blend of Nabob coffee, and test your shopping skills with our eager contestants as they try to win cash and other fabulous prizes on the one and only Supermarket Sweep! Are you ready to go shopping? AUDIENCE: YEAH! Who's got the (insert three items)? Ok, you're on! Now, here's our host and games master extraordinaire! TINO MONTE!" ―Introduction

    Supermarket sweep penalty